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사회언어학 제31권 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

메신저 대화의 어말 위치에 나타나는 /ㅗ/의 /ㅜ/ 대치 양상 연구

A Study of the /ㅜ/ Replacement of /ㅗ/ in Korean Messenger Corpus

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2023.31.2.06
  • 41

This study examines the realization of the /ㅜ/ replacement of /ㅗ/ observed at the end of words in the messenger conversation corpus(MCC), comparing it with the results from the “Seoul Corpus(SC; Yoon Y. K. 2020)”. In the “MCC”, the frequency of /ㅜ/ replacement of /ㅗ/ was investigated in the following order: postposition, connection ending, and adverbs. Among these, adverbs exhibited the highest realization rate for the /ㅜ/ replacement. In contrast, connection ending and surveys in the SC showed similar frequencies (43.8%, 52.1%). The /ㅜ/ replacement rate for connection ending was found to be 43.8%, while for surveys and adverbs, it was 52.1% and 51.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the /ㅜ/ replacement rate of /ㅗ/ was consistently high in all linguistic contexts in the “SC” However, the text-based “MCC” exhibited a lower realization rate for the /ㅜ/ replacement of /ㅗ/ compared with to the natural speech. This discrepancy is attributed to the influence of text-based conversations, which incorporates phonetic notation consciousness reflecting linguistic norms and the phonetic preferences of the conversation participants. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the realization patterns of the /ㅜ/ replacement in different linguistic contexts, shedding light on the variations between text-based and natural speech corpora.

1. 서론

2. 연구 대상과 방법

3. 분석 결과

4. 결론

