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KCI등재후보 학술저널


A Cognitive Typology Interpretation of Chinese and Korean Political Metaphors: Taking the Korean Translation of Keywords to Understand China as an Example

DOI : 10.54385/cbt.2023.3.1.43

政治文本是国家领导人发表政治主张、树立国家形象的重要语篇, 而政治文本信息的传递需要多种语言表达手段进行, 最为常见的语言修辞形式即政治隐喻。本文以《中国关键词》韩译本为例, 结合政治隐喻的特点以及认知类型学的相关理论探讨政治隐喻的翻译问题。通过对比分析, 初步可以发现, (1) 汉韩语的相关隐喻既有共性, 又有个性。共性方面, 汉韩语皆有战争、旅程等带有共性特征的隐喻类型, 也有气候、有机体等带有个性特征的隐喻类型。换言之, 尽管人们拥有大体相似的感知经验, 从中直接产生大致相似的图式结构, 但由于认知、语言类型、社会文化因素等, 隐喻映射在普遍性上存在差异, 部分隐喻只属于特定文化。 (2) 在隐喻的翻译过程中, 译者主要使用了“在语言维度保留对等的隐喻意象”、“在文化维度呈现隐喻的文化内涵”、“在交际维度转换源语的隐喻意象”等不同的翻译策略。换言之, 为了更好地实现具有严谨性、主体性、立场性的政治隐喻翻译, 译者需适应生态翻译的整体环境, 在语言维度、文化维度、交际维度上进行“三维转换”, 并结合具体语境, 以及目的语读者的接受程度等因素, 灵活运用翻译策略。本文以期通过汉韩政治文本的对译, 在初步了解汉韩政治隐喻异同的基础上, 对相关翻译策略进行初步的分析解释, 为解释不同文化背景下人类认知的思维及行为模式提供些许参考。

Political texts are important discourses for national leaders to express their political opinions and establish a national image, and the transmission of information in political texts requires a variety of linguistic means of expression. The most common rhetorical form of language is a political metaphor. This paper takes the Korean translation of Keywords to Understand China as an example and discusses the translation of political metaphors in combination with the characteristics of political metaphors and related theories of cognitive typology. Through comparative analysis, it can be initially found that (1) Chinese and Korean-related metaphors have both commonality and individuality. In terms of commonality, both Chinese and Korean have common metaphor types such as war and journey, as well as individual metaphor types such as climate and organism. In other words, although people have roughly similar perceptual experiences, which directly generate roughly similar schema structures, due to cognition, language type, sociocultural factors, etc., there are differences in the universality of metaphor mapping, and some metaphors only belong to specific cultures. (2) In the process of translating metaphors, the translators mainly used ‘reserving the equivalent metaphorical images in the language dimension’, ‘presenting the cultural connotation of metaphors in the cultural dimension’, ‘converting the metaphorical images in the source language in the communicative dimension’, etc. different translation strategies. In other words, to better realize the translation of political metaphors with rigor, subjectivity, and standpoint, translators need to adapt to the overall environment of ecological translation, carry out ‘three-dimensional transformations’ in the dimensions of language, culture, and communication, and combine specific Context, and the acceptance of target language readers and other factors, flexible use of translation strategies. This article aims to conduct a preliminary analysis and interpretation of relevant translation strategies based on a preliminary understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean political metaphors through the translation of Chinese and Korean political texts and provide some reference for explaining the thinking and behavior patterns of human cognition under different cultural backgrounds.

1. 绪论

2. 理论背景

3. 汉韩政治隐喻的具体类型

4. 汉韩政治隐喻的翻译策略

5. 结语
