Eco-friendly stadium construction is a prerequisite for hosting large-scale international games, and securing sustainability is very important for post-event use. Therefore, creating a community space through the composition of spaces where various activities are possible around the stadium is an important way to improve the sustainability of the stadium. Therefore, in this study, we tried to find a way to enhance the sustainability of public facilities composing the stadium in order to strengthen the green community around the stadium and to emphasize the eco-friendly stadium architecture and integrated image. To this end, we investigated which facilities were reflected in an eco-friendly manner, along with the analysis of the surrounding space composition and the type of installed public facilities in 15 stadiums that received overseas eco-friendly certification. As a result of the study, the facilities with the most items applied are supply facilities(31) > road facilities(19) > convenience facilities(13) > environmental facilities(11) > others(3) > play facilities(2) in order. The installation rate is 86.7% for boundary facilities, 75.5% for management facilities and green spaces, 71.1% for U-City related facilities, 60% for information facilities, 56.7% for protection facilities, 55.6% for sanitation facilities, 51.4% for transportation facilities, 47.5% for landscape facilities, Rest facilities 45.3%, lighting facilities 44.4%, traffic facilities 41.5%, play facilities 36.7%, and service facilities 27.7%. In addition, the most common design type is street lights, and the most applied eco-friendly planning elements are simple design, material aspects such as the use of natural materials, long-life materials, and recyclable materials. A number of facilities using modular structures and green energy were investigated.
1. 서론
2. 공공시설물 유형 및 해외 공공시설물 계획 요소
3. 경기장 주변 공공시설물의 주요 계획 요소
4. 해외 친환경 경기장 주변 공공시설물 분석
5. 결론