최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第83輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

宋代 文人 사찰시 속 감각 운용

A Study on the Operation of Sensitive Image in Song Poetry Related to the Temple

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.83.83.1

본 논문은 新儒學의 영향이 사회 전체에 미치고 있던 中國 宋代의 시가 작품 중 불교사찰을 ‘공간’으로 하여 창작된 사찰시를 대상으로, 시가 작품 속에 나타나는 송대 文人의 신유학적 사고의 영향 여부와 감각의 운용 및 형상화 양상을 고찰하였다. 송대 문인의 사찰시에는 신유학의 엄정함에도 불구하고, ‘공간성’에 기반한 ‘감각’의 섬세함과 표현의 정제성이 돋보인다. 문인 사대부는 사찰을 창작 공간으로 하여 객관세계를 복합적인 감각이미지로 형상화하였다. 이들은 形象化과정에서 內聖的 요소의 영향으로 ‘平淡’, ‘沈靜’한 시풍을 만들어 내었다.

The purpose of this study is to examine whether Neo-Confucianism(新儒學) affects the the style of Song-literati Scholar’s works and to consider the operation and shape of senses in works, targeting a Buddist temple-related poetry created using Buddhist temples as “Space”. By constructing Song-literati Scholar’s basic worldview, Song’s Neo-Confucianism thinking allowed them to think of Confucian Heavenly Principles(天理) as the basis of all things, “to study the penomena of nature in order to acquire knowledge(格物致知)” and to have a heavy sense of peace and peace on their own. The influence of Neo-Confucian thinking led to the delicate observation and description of “Sense”, unlike the beauty of Tang Poetry, although many of Song’s poems were characterized by “Reasoning(說理)” and “Speculation(思辨)”. In poetry works, the action of “Sense” absorbs the color of the Space depending on where the human sensory organ is exposed. From this point of view, a consideration of the process of shaping poetry, which combines Buddhist temples as a “Space” of creation and “Sense”, the source of shape thinking, can be a way to understand the inner world of Confucianism and Buddhism. In conclusion, despite Neo-Confucian’s strictness, Song-literati’s poetry related to temples was particularly noticeable in the delicacy and refinement of “Sense” based on “Space”. Although the literary aristocrat created “Blandness(平淡)” and “Serene(沈静)” poetry through the moderation and purification of emotions in poetry creation under the influence of the Factor of Inner Sage, such as cultivation of mind and morality, this is due to Neo Confucianist’s basic thinking.

1. 들어가며

2. 문인 사대부와 사찰 공간

3. 사찰 공간과 감각 운용

4. 나오며
