최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第83輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

宋詩 속 ‘一簞食, 一瓢飮’에 대한 인식과 수용 연구

A Study on the Perception and Acceptance of ‘A Simple Bowl of Food, A Ladle of Drink’ in Song Poetry

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.83.83.2

본 논문은 시가 작품 속 ‘簞瓢’의 의미를 종합적으로 분석하고, 북송에서 남송으로 이어지는 정치, 사회적 격변 과정에서 문인의 시가 속 ‘簞瓢’의 활용과 수용 과정 중 변화의 양상을 살펴봄으로써, 문인 사대부의 도덕적 심리적 내면 변화를 고찰하였다. 道의 수양과 일상의 ‘自樂’에 대한 긴밀한 조우를 중요시했음을 근거할 때, 북송 시기 문인들은 ‘簞瓢’를 통해 소박한 밥상으로 대표되는 일상의 검약함을 실천하며 학문적 自樂을 중시하였으며, 남송에 이르러서 권력의 사회의 주변부로 밀려난 문인들이 簞瓢를 통해 은일의 삶을 노래하였고, 儒家의 본분을 지키기 쉽지 않게 된 현실에서 최소한의 인간적 도리를 하고자 하는 몸부림을 ‘簞瓢’로써 말하고 있었다.

The fact that poetry targeting food appeared in earnest in Song Dynasty is very important in the study of food culture history. Song Dynasty commented on ‘eating’, the most important part of human life, through poetry creation. Song Dynasty scholar-bureaucrat expressed and expanded their world through food in poetry. Through Song food poetry can be an important puzzle in understanding the literary, its culture, and even the food in terms of the history of food culture. Even in the atmosphere of the Song Dynasty, which emphasized social responsibility, one of the things that writers can show their identity in their daily lives was the food. Food can be an important code to understand the lives of writers and interpret their world, as well as the daily table of writers. In addition, one of the keys to the interpretation of the code is Yan-Yuan(顏淵)’s ‘A simple bowl of food, a ladle of drink(一簞食, 一瓢飮)’. Under the general style of Song poetry, ‘A simple bowl of food, a ladle of drink’ represented the simple food of writers, and was newly defined with everyday, sometimes philosophical, and sometimes literary values and meanings. This study examined the change in acceptance and perception of ‘A simple bowl of food, a ladle of drink’ in the process of changing the poet’s personal life, not according to the period distinction between the traditional Song Dynasty poetry of general north and south song. In addition, in Southern Song Dynasty, writers who were pushed to the periphery of the society of power in a situation where there was no hope for government posts sang their lives through ‘a Gourd & a bamboo Basket’, and the economic foundation represented by the reality of ‘poor(窮)’ and ‘hungry(饑)’ was shaken.

1. 들어가며

2. 宋詩 속 ‘一簞食, 一瓢飮’

3. 나가며
