최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第83輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


Study on ‘Comfort Women’ Narrative in Taiwan : Based on 「輸送船」, 「獵女犯」, 「望鄉」, 『櫻』

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.83.83.10
  • 25


The history of the Japanese army’s exploitation of comfort women during World War II differs greatly from other history of violence in that it was transnational, transracial, and perpetual. The history had been silenced due to the aftermath of the Cold War, authoritarian governance, and the social stigmatizing by the patriarchal society. It was from the 90s that the history became a global agenda when Korean comfort women publicized their experiences of the abuse by the Japanese army. However, the Japanese army is in denial of their brutality, and many victims have deceased. Therefore, it remains as a crucial task of our generation to convert the history of comfort women into collective memory. Taiwan is suffering from a similar history of their comfort women, and the development of the Taiwanese literary narrative of the victims may inspire the Korean society. This paper explores four Taiwanese literature on comfort women- Chen Qian Wu’s 「輸送船」 and 「獵女犯」, Lee Yung Ping’s 「望鄉」, and Chang Ying Min’s 『櫻』- and illustrates the meaning of the evolution of the narratives regarding the Taiwanese society’s ideology. These novels depict the trauma of comfort women as the result of a combination of numerous oppressions including imperialism, patriarchy, and social classification. Furthermore, these novels describe the trauma of comfort women from multiple angles and in detail.

1. 前言

2. 作家·文本·創作語境與動機

3. 認同·懺悔·成長:男性自敘書寫下的慰安婦

4. 彌補歷史的缺口:張英珉的慰安婦歷史全景書寫

5. 結論
