최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第83輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


The “Media Trial” Caused by Public Opinion Monitoring in the New Media Era

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.83.83.24

互联网和信息技术的飞速发展,逐渐扩大了媒体融合的范围和程度。关莹莹、金雪花,「全媒体视域下对中国电视剧产业发展探索——中·韩电视剧比较为例」,󰡔中国人文科学󰡕,中国人文学会,2023,83期,p.387。 随着人工智能技术的不断发展,整个人类社会进入了一个信息时代。人们对信息的需求越来越迫切,作为权威性信息的主要来源——新闻,在人们日常生活占据了不可或缺的地位。英河、金昌京、林正,「智媒时代下数字媒体人才培养的转型路径研究」,󰡔中国学󰡕,64期,大韩中国学会,2018,p.258。 作为相互矛盾而又统一,冲突而和谐的两种力量,媒体和司法的关系显现出十分复杂的形态。它们既会互相批判,互相斗争,也会相互指引,相互促进。伴随着社会经济的发展,网络已经成为与人类活动密切相关的行为。随着网络交流的普及新媒体时代的到来 吴吉龙,「汉语网络用语的形式和规范」,󰡔中国人文科学󰡕,41期,中国人文学会,2009,p.189。 ,文化的多元化发展等对人们的生活环境,思维方式,文化心理等都产生了巨大的影响。 金正勋,论网络语言“打call”的生成及特征」,󰡔中国学󰡕,65期,大韩中国学会,2018,p.78。 媒介作为一种舆论力量,也是一种思想力量,这种力量看似无形,却能转化成一种巨大的社会影响力。媒介报道有自由表达和监督批评的政治权利,客观公正地监督与报道事件的真相是新闻的生命之源。而司法的审判权力是司法机关特有的,国家赋予其的一种强制力,法官依据法律,结合自身的自由裁量权和以往的判例对案件作出合理审判,“公正”成了司法的内在核心。媒体监督会监督司法程序的公正合法进行,监督司法内部可能滋生的腐败问题,监督影响司法公正进行而出现的一切问题,积极的促进司法向更合理公正的方向前进。但相比于二者积极的良性互动,媒介和司法的冲突和对立越趋尖锐化,现阶段,出现了不少媒介干涉司法独立的事件,严重地影响了司法独立判案,导致了司法审判的不公正情形出现。媒介监督和司法独立的矛盾问题将是本文讨论的一个核心。文章从舆论监督切入主题,重点分析舆论监督过度干涉司法而形成的“媒体审判”,通过案例分析的方法阐述“媒体审判”对司法的独立和公正和社会正义产生的负面影响,从而分析原因,并针对原因,找到解决办法,抛砖引玉,用以探索出有效的防范机制,避免舆论监督对司法审判的不利影响,而将其转化成积极影响,促进舆论与司法的共赢。

As two forces that are contradictory but unified, conflicting and harmonious, the relationship between the media and the judiciary shows a very complicated form. They will not only criticize and fight each other, but also guide and promote each other. What the media has is a power of public opinion and a power of thought. This power seems invisible, but it can be transformed into a huge social influence. Media reports have the political right to freely express and supervise criticism, and objective and fair monitoring and reporting of the truth of events is the lifeblood of news. Judicial adjudication power is unique to the judiciary. It is a coercive force endowed by the state. Judges make reasonable trials of cases based on the law, in combination with their own discretion and previous precedents. “Justice” has become the inner core of the judiciary. The media supervision will supervise the fair and legal progress of the judicial process, monitor the corruption problems that may arise within the judiciary, monitor all problems that affect the judicial process, and actively promote the judiciary to move towards a more reasonable and fair direction. However, compared with the positive and benign interaction between the two, the conflict and confrontation between the media and the judiciary are becoming more and more acute. At this stage, there have been many incidents of media interference with judicial independence, which have seriously affected judicial independence and led to judicial adjudication. injustice occurs.

1. 舆论监督和媒体审判

2. 舆论监督对司法审判的影响及案例分析

3. 舆论监督导致媒体审判的原因

4. “媒体审判”的防范和规制

5. 结语
