Attitudes and Misconceptions Toward Suicidal Individuals among Suicide Gatekeeper Education Program Participants in South Korea *
Attitudes and Misconceptions Toward Suicidal Individuals among Suicide Gatekeeper Education Program Participants in South Korea *
Objectives : Suicide is a prominent public health issue in South Korea; participants in suicide gatekeeper education programs engage with potentially suicidal individuals and may refer those individuals to mental health professionals. This study examined opinions and attitudes regarding suicidal behavior among suicide gatekeeper education program participants in the Gangwon province of South Korea in order to develop recommendations for the development of suicide prevention and education programs. Methods : Questionnaires were administered containing questions examining participants’ experiences of suicidal behavior and attitudes toward suicidal individuals. Chi-square and multivariate regression analysis were used to examine differences and associations between participants’ attitudes toward suicidal individuals, sociodemographic characteristics, and experiences of suicide. Results : Participants who were male, older, or had experience with suicide (e.g., suicidal ideation or attempts, the loss a significant other to suicide) were more likely to hold misconceptions toward suicidal individuals. Experience with suicide programs was correlated with more positive attitudes toward suicidal individuals. Conclusion : Demographic characteristics and experience with suicidal behavior may affect misconceptions and attitudes toward suicidal individuals among participants in suicide gatekeeper education programs. Suicide gatekeeper education programs should particularly provide education and training to suicide gatekeepers who have these characteristics, thereby improving suicide gatekeepers’ ability to manage individuals facing a high suicide risk.