The purpose of this paper is to examine how the outbreak of the plague, which was called ṭāʿūn in Arabic, is related to the Muslim army’s war of conquest, the rise and fall of the Umayyad dynasty(661-750), and the founding of the Abbasid dynasty(750-1258). This paper reached the conclusion that Russell's argument is valid. In addition, this paper found that the Plague of Amwas greatly helped Muawiya to be appointed as the commander of the Syrian expeditionary force and to establish the Umayyad Dynasty. Lastly, this paper asserts that the plague that occurred more than 20 times in a 10-year cycle caused the decline of the Umayyad dynasty, and that the cessation of the plague epidemic in 750 helped political stability in the early days of the Abbasid dynasty.
I. 서론
II. 1차 페스트 범유행과 비잔티움·사산 제국의 쇠락
III. 이슬람 세계로의 페스트 전파와 암와스 역병
IV. 페스트가 우마이야조의 몰락과 압바스조 건국에 미친 영향
V. 결론