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통번역교육연구 제21권 제1호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

드라마 「오징어 게임」의 자막번역 전략 연구

A Study on the Translation Strategies of Squid Game Korean – English Subtitle

  • 195

The purpose of this research is to analyze effective translation strategies of Squid Game from Korean into English and to analyze how the subtitle translators can figure out and express the meaning of the source texts in contemplating the effects of the discourse situation not to impair the intention of the original texts. To serve the purpose, this research compared the Korean actor's lines of Squid Game with English subtitles. Thus, the prominent results of the analysis are categorized into four main items: wordplay, slang, contextual situation, and culture-specific items. The audience of target language anticipate to enjoy the effect and feeling of the original drama. To maintain the original effect and feeling, the subtitle translators ought to not merely try to avoid literal translation but also strive to provide the readers of target languag with suitable translations. Therefore, the subtitle translators should possess the ability to express the discourse situation and aesthetic effects, much more linguistic capability.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 넷플릭스 자막번역 특성

Ⅲ. 텍스트 분석 및 논의

Ⅳ. 결론

