최근 검색어 전체 삭제

전통 소반의 해체와 재구성을 통한 현대 가구디자인 연구 - 소반의 형태와 선을 중심으로 -

A Study on Modern Furniture Design through the Disassembling and Reconstructing of Traditional Soban - Focusing on the Shape and Line of Soban -

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This paper aims to pay attention to the beauty of the shape and line of traditional Soban and embody this beauty in furniture that can be used on a daily basis in modern life. If you combine the aesthetic values of traditional Soban, which contains the experience and wisdom of our ancestors, into modern furniture, it is expected that not only the view of tradition will change, but it will also be possible to reinterpret modern beauty with the furniture used in real life as a medium. The thesis consists of 5 chapters. Chapter 1(introduction) contains the research background and purpose, and the scope and method of research. Chapter 2 examines the shape and line among the characteristics of traditional Soban. Chapter 3 examines the application case of traditional Soban to modern furniture, focusing on the work of Ha Ji-hoon. Based on the case analysis of chapter 3, chapter 4 describes the process of making modern furniture through the disassembling and reconstructing of the traditional Soban. In chapter 5(conclusion) I reconfirm that the aesthetic value of the traditional Soban, especially shape and line, can be applied to modern furniture through my two works. In short, this study aims to incorporate the form and aesthetics of Soban into modern furniture through the disassembling and reconstructing of traditional furniture among the numerous methods of ‘modernization of tradition’, and to open up the possibility of creating new furniture.
