The ship wave generated by the passing ship can affect to the nearby berth and moored vessels. This can result in excessive motion of the moored ship and lead to the severing of mooring lines, potentially causing accidents. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of passing ships navigating through the vicinity of the berth, evaluate the risks posed to the safety of moored ship, and propose safety measures. The OPTIMOOR analysis software was utilized for the assessment, with Berth A in Ulsan Port chosen as the target. The study revealed that the speed of passing ships and the separation distance between vessels significantly influence the motion of moored ships. Considering the high-risk of Berth A due to its proximity to the fairway, proposed navigation criteria for the Ulsan Port's No.1 fairway to ensure mooring safety. It has been determined that passing ships in the vicinity of Berth A should maintain a proper speed less than 8 knots, or navigate at a distance of more than 200 meters away from the dock. This study can contribute to decision-making and the establishment of safety measures in berth and fairway design.
1. 서론
2. 계류 선박과 통과 선박의 이격거리 기준
3. 통과 선박의 영향 계산
4. 울산항과 대상부두 현황
5. 계류안전성평가
6. 항로 통항 기준 제시
7. 결론
감사의 글