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KCI등재 학술저널

통합 전환기 루마니아인의 사회 인구통계학적 추이

The Social and Demographic Trends of Romanians before and after Transition to Integration

DOI : 10.32625/KJEI.2023.30.63
  • 186

제2차 세계대전 이후 루마니아의 인구통계학적 역사는 세 번의 변곡점을 맞이했다. 첫 번째는 1960년대 차우셰스쿠의 출산 장려 정책에 의한 일시적 인구 증가와 이후 지속된 감소, 두 번째는 사회주의 몰락 직후 경제 상황에 따른 출산율의 감소 그리고 보편적 복지와 의료기술 발전에 따른 사망률의 감소, 세 번째는 체제 전환 이후 인구의 진행형 변화이다. 1989년 이전 루마니아의 국제이주는 두 가지 메커니즘을 기반으로 한다. 하나는 정치적, 민족적 문제로 인한 영구 이주이며, 다른 하나는 상대국과의 협정에 기초한 유학과 취업을 목적으로 한 임시 이주였다. 루마니아의 EU 통합은 경제 발전 및 EU 내 인구 이동 측면에서 중요한 변화를 가져왔는데, 통합 전환기 루마니아의 국제이주는 ‘출국이민’과 ‘입국이민’이라는 특징을 보여준다. 전자는 루마니아 시민의 해외 이민이고, 후자는 주로 몰도바 공화국과 제3국 외국인에 의한 루마니아로의 이주이다. 오늘날 가장 눈에 띄는 현상 중 하나는 국제이주의 목적이 더 이상 금전이나 경제적 동기가 아니라 문화, 교육, 사회 및 건강 등 다양한 이슈에 따라 바뀌고 있다는 점이다.

Today’s socio-demographic changes are based on parameters such as natural population growth rates, such as births and deaths, and migration abroad by emigration and immigration. Migration phenomena record the permanent evolution of inflows and outflows of people affected by a variety of factors. The factors that caused migration are very diverse, and depending on the era, they were influenced by social (war, invasion, and disease), natural (natural phenomena, earthquakes, floods), political (exportation), and economic (low wages, high costs, high prices, etc.) factors. Among these, economic factors, especially economic power and purchasing power, and the gap in wage levels between countries of origin and destination have the greatest influence. Migration flows from countries with low economic and purchasing power to developed countries are significant. After World War II, Romania's demographic history experienced three inflection points. The first is the temporary population increase caused by Ceausescu’s fertility policy in the 1960s and the continued decline thereafter. The second is the decline in the birth rate due to the economic situation immediately after the fall of socialism and the gradual decline in mortality due to the development of universal welfare and medical technology. The third is the ongoing change of population in the freedom of migration due to the integrated transition. Romanian international migration before 1989 is based on two mechanisms. One was permanent migration due to political and ethnic issues, and the other was temporary migration for study or employment based on an agreement between the governments of the other countries. However, since 1989, the main reasons for international migration have changed from political and racial issues to unified economic reasons. Thus, the trend of temporary migration has increased both in the number and percentage of total migrants. The world economy and Romania's integration into the EU have brought important changes in terms of economic development, purchasing power and population mobility within the EU. Migration refers to the change of residence of a person under the influence of various economic, political and social factors in relation to the country of origin or destination. During the transition to integration since 2007, international migration in Romania is characterized by two parallel trends: ‘emigration’ and ‘immigration’. The former is the emigration of Romanian citizens abroad, the latter is mainly the Republic of Moldova and foreign nationals from third countries to Romania. One of the most striking phenomena today is that the purpose of international migration is no longer driven by money or economic motives, but by various issues such as culture, education, society and health.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 루마니아 인구통계 데이터와 역사적 배경

Ⅲ. 체제전환 전후의 사회 인구 변화

Ⅳ. 통합전환 전후의 사회 인구통계학적 특징

Ⅴ. 루마니아 국제이주의 경향과 특징

Ⅵ. 맺는말
