최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.2.jpg

The Manifestations, Causes, Impacts and Across Paths of Pan-Securitization

The Manifestations, Causes, Impacts and Across Paths of Pan-Securitization

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.10.2.37

In recent years, with the decline of globalization, the rise of nationalism in the US and Western countries has become more prominent. They have adopted conservative policies under the pretext of national security, leading to the proliferation of pan-securitization. Facing various and complex security challenges, countries have attached more importance to national security. Anyway, based on the Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization, the process of securitization can result in pansecuritization, which manifests in three aspects: the worship of securitization at the initiation stage; the excessive expansion of issues at the development stage; and the difficulty of de-securitization at the post-securitization stage. On the one hand, pansecuritization can cause problems such as security capital overdraft, radical change cultivation, lack of common security perception and human rights protection impairment within a country. On the other hand, it can also cause problems such as production efficiency reduction and security dilemma induction at the international level. The causes of pan-securitization are complex, but mainly stem from the interconnection of security threats, the monopoly of speech power by agents, the centralist political form and the endogenous defects of the Copenhagen School’s securitization theory. Today, guided by the overall national security concept, national security has received unprecedented attention. In view of the pan-securitization trap that the US and Western countries have fallen into, we should take measures from three aspects: security democratization, security legalization and de-worship of securitization to avoid repeating their mistakes. Only in this way can we enhance the effectiveness of issue securitization and improve the implementation efficiency of security policies.

1. Introduction and Research Review of the Question

2. Manifestations of Pan-Securitization

3. Reasons for the emergence of Pan-Securitization

4. The negative impact of pan-securitization

5. A Realistic Path Across Pan-securitization

6. Conclusion

