최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.2.jpg

Massive open online course's teaching reform path of integrating ideological and political elements into the general education course of corporate crime investigation

Massive open online course's teaching reform path of integrating ideological and political elements into the general education course of corporate crime investigation

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.10.2.79

The investigation of corporate crimes is a key course in public security colleges, which has high application, sociality, practicality and theory. With the rapid development of modern information technology, “Internet + education” has become the main direction of undergraduate teaching reform. It is extremely important to combine massive open online course with the teaching of corporate crime investigation. On the premise of expanding college students' professional knowledge and subject knowledge, general education can shape students' thinking paradigm in line with socialist core values and ensure students to develop scientific three views. Taking the general course “Investigation of Corporate Crime Cases” in public security colleges as an example, this paper discusses the necessity, problems and relevant countermeasures of integrating ideological and political elements into the online teaching of general education courses, and provides reference for the design and practice of ideological and political courses in the online teaching of general education courses.

1. The necessity of integrating ideological and political elements into the general education curriculum of public security colleges and universities, and the teaching reform of massive open online course

2. The ideological and political elements are conducive to solving the problems faced by massive open online course teaching in general education courses

3. The ideological and political elements are conducive to the reform of massive open online course teaching in general education courses

