최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Canadians Abroad: Policy Challenges for Canada

Canadians Abroad: Policy Challenges for Canada

Canada is a nation of immigrants. Little is known, however, about nearly 2.7 million Canadians living abroad. This paper explores the substantial Canada's policy gap between the treatment of Canadians at home and citizens abroad. Based on survey data, the paper also finds out that Canadian overseas community feels strongly as “Canadian” and want to be connected to Canada. In addition, most Canadians at home consider the large community of Canadians living abroad as an asset rather than a liability for Canada. The paper finally concludes seven major policy challenges for Canada, and calls for cultivating the Canadian diaspora as a long-term asset.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Canadians Abroad as Lesser Canadians

Ⅲ. Canada as Home

Ⅵ. Outward-thinking Canadians

Ⅴ. Challenges that Canada Is Facing

Ⅵ. Summary and Conclusions


