최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

교육 기회의 평등과 양질의 평준화를 추구하는 캐나다의 교육

Canadian Education Systems for Quality, Diversity, and Equity

  • 13

By reviewing the overview of educational systems and examples of school classroom practices, this paper attempts to understand the uniqueness, strengths, and challenges in education systems in Canada. This paper also provides the information of K-Postsecondary educational systems, governance, students’ international assessment achievements such as PISA in comparison with other countries which have a high immigration population like Canada in order to discuss the quality and equity of educational service-s in Canadian societies. This paper further addresses the current challenge that –the- Canadian government and education systems thrive to overcome, that is, the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in education to develop equity, diversity and human rights for indigenous communities in Canada.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 캐나다 교육 정책

Ⅲ. 논리적 창의적 사고 향상을 위한 학교 교육

Ⅳ. 캐나다의 학업 능력 성취도와 양질의 교육 평등성

Ⅴ. 원주민 교육: 캐나다 교육이 풀어야 할 숙제

Ⅵ. 맺음말

참고 문헌
