A Study on the Development of Core Competency Diagnostic Tools for Professors at A’ University
A Study on the Development of Core Competency Diagnostic Tools for Professors at A’ University
- 국제융합경영학회
- 융합경영연구
- Vol.11 No.4
- 2023.08
- 31 - 39 (9 pages)
Purpose: This study attempted to systematize a support system that can enhance teaching core competencies by establishing a scale for diagnosing teaching core competencies at University A. Research design, data and methodology : To this end, the first Delphi was conducted With six experts related to university core competency modeling research by extracting factors and designing structured questionnaires through a literature review process that collects and analyzes prior research related to domestic and foreign university teaching competency. The derived questions were diagnosed on 27 professors, and independent sample t-verification and ANOVA were conducted using SPSS 24.0 for analysis by key teaching competency factors. Result: What is the standard suitability of KMO. It was shown as 929 (KMO standard conformity value is close to 1), and Barlett's sphericity verification showed χ2=5773.295, df=1081, p<.It appeared as 001 and confirmed that it was suitable for conducting factor analysis. Conclusions: The core competencies of A University teachers were set based on the educational goals of A University, such as basic teaching competency, creative teaching competency, practical teaching competency, and communication teaching competency. This means that the concept and factors of the core competency of professors are likely to change, and in the end, continuous efforts to upgrade and apply research on core competency of professors are essential to quickly and organically respond to changes in competency required to increase the competitiveness of universities.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Considerations
3. Data Collection and Analysis Methods
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion