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인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제26권 제4호.jpg

An Analysis on Needs for National Parks by Age Group using Semantic Network Analysis

An Analysis on Needs for National Parks by Age Group using Semantic Network Analysis

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2023.26.4.295

Background and objective: National parks are places people from all walks of life can utilize. However, many existing studiesare limited in suggesting management plans that fit the characteristics of different age groups of people visiting nationalparks. Therefore, this study aims to identify the requirements for national parks and set the direction for national parkservices by age group. Methods: This study collected the requirements for national parks from 902 people of different ages through an onlineself-administered questionnaire and analyzed them through semantic link network analysis. Results: As a result of the analysis, there were management requirements in two areas related to the environment (rubbishand ecological environment, facilities environment such as safety and forest fires) and one area related to the economy,and a monitoring system for rubbish and ecological environment and a private land management policy for the economywere identified as alternatives. The younger generation was interested in environmental issues, the older generation wasinterested in economic issues, and the elderly was interested in the facilities environment for safety and forest fires. Therefore, it was found that environmental campaigns should be conducted for the younger generation, admission fees andparking rates should be improved for the older generation, and a safe tour environment should be provided for the elderly. Conclusion: The needs analysis found that it is necessary to establish a monitoring system for all national parks from anenvironmental perspective and improve the management policy about private land from an economic perspective. Furthermore, environmental campaigns and events were required for the younger generation, benefits related to entrancefees for the elderly, and policies to create a safe facilities environment for the elderly. Establishing such national parkpolicies will improve the satisfaction of users.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


