최근 검색어 전체 삭제
일본어문학 第102輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

조선에서 추방당한 일본 시인, 고토 이쿠코의 시와 문학운동

Goto Ikuko’s Poetry and Literature Movement, a Japanese Poet Exiled from Joseon: Centering on 『A midday flower』

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..102.011


This paper reviews the significance of the second poetry collection from『A midday flower 』, which is differentiated from Goto’s first poetry collection『0 A.M』. In 『0 A.M』, Goto describes her longing for her hometown in Joseon. At this point she expressed her interest in the problem of workers through poetry, but it wasn’t until late 1927 that she found herself a proletarian poet. As stated in the preface, the ultimate purpose of『A midday flower 』 was the liberation of the working class through the success of the proletarian revolution. This is the characteristic and significance of『A midday flower 』 that is differentiated from『0 A.M』. In Goto’s poems, there are poems that sympathize with the pain of Joseon women and children, and it shows a unique attitude of women who actively participate in and enjoy Joseon’s customs. This is different from Uchino. Goto wanted to become a female socialist revolutionary who fought on the side of workers like Rosa, who traded her beliefs for her life during the socialist revolution.

1. 서론

2. 제2시집 출판 목적

3. 제2시집 발간 배경

4. 제2시집 조선 관련 시의 특징

5. 결론

