최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience Vol.21 No.3.jpg

Clinical Implication of Maumgyeol Basic Service–the 2 Channel Electroencephalography and a Photoplethysmogram–based Mental Health Evaluation Software

Clinical Implication of Maumgyeol Basic Service–the 2 Channel Electroencephalography and a Photoplethysmogram–based Mental Health Evaluation Software

DOI : 10.9758/cpn.23.1062

Objective: Maumgyeol Basic service is a mental health evaluation and grade scoring software using the 2 channels EEG and photoplethysmogram (PPG). This service is supposed to assess potential at-risk groups with mental illness more easily, rapidly, and reliably. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical implication of the Maumgyeol Basic service. Methods: One hundred one healthy controls and 103 patients with a psychiatric disorder were recruited. Psychological evaluation (Mental Health Screening for Depressive Disorders [MHS-D], Mental Health Screening for Anxiety Disorders [MHS-A], cognitive stress response scale [CSRS], 12-item General Health Questionnaire [GHQ-12], Clinical Global Impression [CGI]) and digit symbol substitution test (DSST) were applied to all participants. Maumgyeol brain health score and Maumgyeol mind health score were calculated from 2 channel frontal EEG and PPG, respectively. Results: Participants were divided into three groups: Maumgyeol Risky, Maumgyeol Good, and Maumgyeol Usual. The Maumgyeol mind health scores, but not brain health scores, were significantly lower in the patients group compared to healthy controls. Maumgyeol Risky group showed significantly lower psychological and cognitive ability evaluation scores than Maumgyeol Usual and Good groups. Maumgyel brain health score showed significant correlations with CSRS and DSST. Maumgyeol mind health score showed significant correlations with CGI and DSST. About 20.6% of individuals were classified as the No Insight group, who had mental health problems but were unaware of their illnesses. Conclusion: This study suggests that the Maumgyeol Basic service can provide important clinical information about mental health and be used as a meaningful digital mental healthcare monitoring solution to prevent symptom aggravation.





