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KCI등재후보 학술저널

三峯『朝鮮經國典』融合民本思想의 住民自治示唆点

Residents Autonomy Implication of Chosunkyunggukjeon Convergence Humanism Thoughts

DOI : 10.55082/jdp.2023.6.1.27
  • 27

The Study investigates research questions, the purpose of study and methodology about residents autonomy & Sambong’s convergence humanism thoughts. The second explains methods of study, theoretical background, residents autonomy implication of Chosunkyunggukjeon convergence humanism thoughts in Chosun dynasty. The third presents analysis variables about Chosunkyunggukjeon convergence humanism thoughts. The forth suggests research effect & limitations for fostering Chosunkyunggukjeon convergence humanism thoughts in the Chosun dynasty. Lastly, the article proposed the meaning of research limitations & further studies & concluded. There were some suggestion & expectation effect of residents autonomy implication of Chosunkyunggukjeon convergence humanism thoughts in Chosun dynasty.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글

Ⅱ. 삼봉 융합민본사상의 구조와 특성

Ⅲ. 삼봉의 융합민본사상과 주민자치

Ⅳ. 융합민본사상의 주민자치 활용방안

Ⅴ. 나가는 글
