아랍어 복수형에 관한 연구
A Study on the Arabic Plural forms
- 한국아랍어아랍문학회
- 아랍어와 아랍문학
- 27집 2호
- 2023.08
- 1 - 21 (21 pages)
This study deals with Arabic plurals. So far, the regular plural of Arabic has been explained based on its writing system; however, this research tries to explain the regular plural formation mechanism phonetically. In other words, when the last vowel of the single form is stretched to become a long vowel, it becomes a plural form. The nouns denoting people do not follow the regular masculine plural form in Arabic. It is important that if a noun is used in the regular plural form, it is no longer a true regular plural form, but the similar form of a regular plural form. In addition, if a Maṣdar(commonly called a gerund) follows plural form rules, word class of the vocabulary will have converted form from Maṣdar to noun because the Maṣdar does not have a plural form. Finally, the researcher will handle the plural form that is taught wrongly or incorrectly in Korea.
I. 서론
II. 규칙 복수형의 국내 교육 방식과 실제
III. 남성형 규칙 복수형
IV. 여성형 규칙 복수형
V. 집합 종류 명사와 개체 종류 명사의 복수형
VI. 결론