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아랍어와 아랍문학 27집 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

순을라 이브라힘의 소설『그 냄새』의 수용과 기대지평

Reception & Horizon of Expectations of『That Smell』by Sun Allah Ibrahim

This thesis aims to construct a Horizon of Expectations for the Egyptian Novel “That Smell” by Sun Allah Ibrahim, employing a research methodology grounded in the Aesthetics of Reception. This methodology encompasses the theories of 'Reception' and the 'Horizon of Expectations'. During the time of the novel's publication, it stirred significant controversy within the field of Arabic literature due to its explicit sexual and political content, which significantly impacted the Reception process. Therefore, within this thesis, the researcher constructs a Horizon of Expectations for both the author and the plot of the novel. This is achieved by analyzing the responses of various critics and receivers to the content, thereby determining how each individual critic/receiver engaged with the different aspects of the novel's content.

I. 서론

II. 순을라 이브라힘과『그 냄새』의 수용과 기대지평 구성

III. 결론

