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아랍어와 아랍문학 27집 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

المعنى في الدرس النحوي العربي: نحو فهم النظام المتحكمفي سياق الجملة إعرابا ومعنى

The Meaning in the Arabic Grammar Lesson: Towards an Understanding of the Control System in the Context of the Sentence in Syntax and Meaning

Arabic grammar emerged as a means of rectifying speech and discerning correctness from errors among Arabic speakers. However, it swiftly evolved into a tool for comprehending the meanings and intentions of speech, particularly among advanced grammarians who lived between the second and sixth centuries of the Hegira. Subsequently, grammarians' enthusiasm for semantics waned while their interest in patterns grew. In tracing the evolutionary trajectory of Arabic grammar, our research narrows down to the core issue. We endeavor to offer a scientific and pedagogical examination of meaning within Arabic grammar lessons. This undertaking enables us to fathom the control structure within sentences in both syntactical and semantic terms. Our intention is to draw on the expertise of our ancestral grammarians who expertly linked grammar with meaning and intentions in the evolution of educational grammatical literature.

مقدمة .I

مفهوم المعنى لغة واصطلاحا .II

الدرس النحوي العربي .III

الخاتمة .Ⅳ
