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The Thought of “Three Religions in One” Reflected by Lin Zhaoen’s View of History

DOI : 10.59825/jcs.2023.1.1.143
  • 8


As a folk sect developed by a group of scholars, the “Three-in-One” differs from other sects such as the Luozu Religion and the Vacuum Religion, whose main doctrines are based on Buddhism and Taoism, with a distinctive “Confucianism-based” character. The most striking part of the theory of its founder, Lin Zhaoen, is that he uses Confucianism to unify Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and divides the three religions into an order of establishment, initiation, and extreme rule. What is striking is that Lin Zhaoen has used his historical commentary to expound on the “three religions in one”. The historical perspective embodied in his commentary reflects his unique theory of “three religions in Confucianism”, and to a certain extent, he has broken through the traditional Confucianism of reverence for the past, laying a firm theoretical foundation for the development of his sect.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 林兆恩的历史观构建——以“道一教三”为进路

Ⅲ. 林兆恩历史观中折射出的“三教合一”思想

Ⅳ. 历史叙述和评论在“三教合一”思想形成中起到的作用

