최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

판소리 자료 전산화 및 판소리 사전 편찬을 위한 통합시스템의 설계 및 구현

Designs and Embodiment of Unified System for Pansori Database and the Compilation of Pansori Dictionary

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Literary resources of Pansori should be preserved and succeeded as the cultural inheritance which represents Korean classics. To preserve these Pansori resources, we need to develope a systematic and unified data base. In 1995, our research team started 'Pansori Dictionary Project' on a 10-year program. Firstly, we developed a data base for resources related to Pansori. Based on this data base, we begin developing a search engine for the Pansori language, which gives meanings, sources, examples, related words, idioms, and references of the searched words. We are working on the compilation of Pansori dictionary that has both accuracy of printed one and effectiveness of online one, using the comprehensive system with online search engine. This project is significant with following accomplishments: - first, collecting the Pansori literary resources and developing data base. - second, improving literary value and effectiveness of Pansori by providing search engine for it - third, automating the process of compilation of the dictionary through the comprehensive environment for developing - fourth, making it easy to access to resources for classics so that everyone in need can share those resources through the data base.

1. 개요

2. 판소리 언어사전 활용자료 현황 및 자료 구축 방식

3. 판소리 언어사전 편찬 목적 및 계획

4. 「판소리언어사전」 편찬지원 통합환경 시스템의 설계 및 개발

5. 결론 및 전망

