최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

丁貞烈 論

A Biography of Jeong-Ryeol Jeong, a Master Singer of Pansori

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This paper introduces a biography of Jeong-Ryeol Jeong <丁貞烈, May 21, 1876 - March 21, 1938), a master singer of Pansori, Korean traditional vocal music, based on a comprehensive review of various bibliographic sources. Jeong learned Pansori by himself when he visited and stayed at many Buddhist temples in rural areas throughout the country until the age of fifty. He began his professional career at the age of fifty-four when he came to Seoul around 1930. After his appearance in Seoul, he was spot-lighted in many broadcasting and recording activities. He also pioneered new fields of Pansori through various activities and performances held by the Korean (Chosun) Society of Traditional Vocal Music (朝鮮聲樂硏究會). Jung showed his brilliant talents as a master singer, composer, and producer. He particularly showed his best talent in the composition of a new sryle Pansori. He rewrote Chunhyangga (春香歌), and newly composed other songs of Pansori such as Sukyeongnangjajeon (淑英娘子傳), Baebijangjeon (裵裨將傳), Oknumong (玉樓夢), etc. These proved his brilliant talent as a composer. Jeong's new sryle Pansori particularly attracted female Pansori singers and he taught many female Pansori pupils, as an educator. He also pioneered the establishment of Changgeuk (唱劇, Korean traditional opera). Modem theaters in Korea appeared since the first modem theater Hyeopyulsa (協律社) in Seoul in 1902. Because traditional Pansori was performed by a single player, a new performance style, i.e. group performance, was needed to adjust the modem theaters. Jeong played a key role in reorganizing rather stubborn Pansori singers into a group, an effort which was essential in the development of Changgeuk. He himself produced, composed, and played Changgeuk for the group. His Changgeuk was passed on to his followers and became the foundation of modern Changgeuk, proving his contribution as a producer. Jeong's other contribution was the systematic establishment of Pansori theory. Since he had never tried to write his Pansori theory by himself, his theory must be validated indirectly from other sources. In this case, SP records are the key source from which one can study his Pansori theory. Based on this source, he introduced and established realism in Pansori for the first time in Korea in addition to the musical expression. Based on bibliographic investigations, this paper categorizes Jeong's music records (SP records) and validates their recording dates. This paper also shows how Jeong's music world changed: His musical focus moved from original Pansori, to new style Pansori, and finally to Changgeuk. This transition coincides with his biographical timeline. He suddenly died of cancer at the age of sixty-two.

1. 서론

2. 정정렬의 일생과 활동

3. 정정렬의 소리에 대한 평

4. 결론
