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KCI등재 학술저널

<별주부전>의 교육적 체험을 위한 하이퍼픽션 구축 방안 연구

A Study on the construction of hyper-fiction for educational experience of <Byuljubujeon>

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A Study on the construction of hyper-fiction for educational experience of <Byuljubujeon>Ryu, Su YeolThis study aims to explore the principle and method to construct hyper-fiction of Byuljubujeon, the narrative stemmed from Pansori which has very various version. After the appearance of hypertext, the majority of pedagogical interest has concentrated on its usefulness as teaching tools. It belongs to education engineering. But it is necessary to show interest in the change of condition of participation in literature. The pedagogical concern must spring to teaching object over teaching tools in literary education.Byuljubujeon(including Sugungga and Toggijeon) can be metamorphosed into hyper-fiction because it has so many various story line. It's very advantageous condition for learner who want to reading by his own choice. The reading based on digital system has advantage of reader's active and affirmative reading performance. Reading by his own choice can give readers enjoyment of game. In addition, hyper-fiction can empower readers to write. In reading hyper-fiction, the readers become wreaders(writer+reader). The wreaders can do the reconstruction of some scene and event, the composition of non-narrative genre for example journal, report, commendation phrase etc, the evaluation of characters by live poll.The educators have to bear in mind that the hyper-fiction program would not replace the reading experience. But it is sure that it would greatly enhance reading experience. The student could also extend his or her vocabulary and learn about history, folklore, art, and music. In other words, reading the novel must be the main task, media technology must step up and encourage reading performance.

1. 로그인

2. 하이퍼픽션과 <별주부전> 이본군의 상동성

3. 단락별 스토리 라인의 구조화

4. 독자의 참여를 위한 교육적 배려

5. 로그아웃
