최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

청암 김성권의 생애와 고수의 길

A Study on the Life Story of KIM Seong Kwon Pen-named Cheongam and His Way as a Pansori Drummer

본고는 청암 김성권의 생애담 연구다. 아직 알려지지 않은 사실들을 추적하여, 김성권의 생애를 조명하였다. 자식들을 앞세우는 가족사의 불운에도 불구하고 판소리 고법의 법통을 새롭게 세워, 국가지정 무형문화재로 정착하게 된 과정들을 살펴보았다. 그간 생가로 알려졌던 강진 칠량은 가계 전통이 이어져 온 것으로 확인되지만, 실제 태어난 곳과 유아시절의 성장은 완도였다는 사실을 밝혀냈다. 김채만의 수행고수였던 박선행으로부터 고법을 익혔고, 광주의 성원목에게 고법을 완성하여 박시양 등에게 전승시킨 계보도 살펴보았다. 부친 김동수는 협률사를 운영하던 예인이었으며, 광주 속골명창으로 유명한 김채만과 고수 박선행 등, 민속음악의 가계전통 속에서 성장해왔음을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 민속음악을 전승시켜 온 가계전통과 광주, 전남지역의 판소리 고법의 흐름 등을 함께 살펴볼 수 있었다. 고수는 기본적으로 판소리를 도와 반주를 해주는 역할이 주된 임무이기는 하지만 기호에 따라 판소리를 리드하기도 하는데, 김명환이나 김동준 등이 사례로 거론될 수 있다고 보았다. 청암 김성권은 소리의 길을 걷고자 했으나 여의치 않아 고수의 길을 걷게 된 사례에 해당된다. 특히 그는 판소리를 리드하기보다는 판소리를 좇아가는 반주형태를 선호한다고 보았고, 이것이 박선행으로부터 시작되었고, 성원목에게서 보완된 고법체계라고 추정하였다.

This study is on the life story of KIM Seong Kwon pen-named Cheongam. The study spares his life with tracing unknown fack. The study looks into his life course to set up the tradition of a drum beating way for Pansori regardless of his misfortune in his family history and then to become intangible cultural properties designated by Korea Government. The study confirms that his family lines have been in Chilryang in Gangjin where has been known as a his birth place, but figures out that Wando was the actual place of his birth and childhood. In addition, the study finds out that he learned a drum beating way for Pansori from PARK Seon Haeng who was an accompanied Pansori drummer of KIM Chae Man, and then completed his own drum beating way with SEONG Won Mok in Gwangju, and finally handed down to PARK Si Yang and others. The study finds out that his father named KIM Dong Soo was an artist to run Hyeomnyul Temple and had grown in a family line of Korean folk music with KIM Chae Man who was a celebrated singer in Sok village, Gwangju and PARK Seon Haeng, a Pansori drummer. Based on these facts, the study could look into two things; one is the family tradition to have been transmit Korean folk music and the other is the flowing of drum beating ways in Gwangju and Jeonnam area. Basically, a Pansori drummer has his main role to play Pansori singer's accompaniment, but he would sometimes lead Pansori singer. Besides, there is a case for a drummer to begin his job as a drummer, while there is an other case for him to change his job from a singer. The case of KIM Seong Kwon belongs to the second one. The study considers that the reason was because he preferred an accompanied style to follow the singer above leading the singer. This style is presumed to start from PARK Seon Haeng who was an accompanied drummer of KIM Chae Man, a great master of Seopyeonje and then to be complemented by SEONG Won Mok, a father of celebrated singer, SEONG Chang Soon. The study considers this style could be called to a Cheongam-styled drum beating.

1. 시작하며

2. 출생지와 家統

3. 성장과 활동 연대기

4. 청암 고법과 고수의 길

5. 마무리하며
