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XXI зууны эхний хагаст Монголын нийгмийн тулгамдсан асуудлууд, түүнийг шийдвэрлэхэд МҮЭ -ийн гүйцэтгэх үүргийн зарим чиглэл

Burning issues of Mongolian society in the first half of the 21st century and some aspects of the roles of Mongolian Trade Union in resolving these burning issues

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We, the people of Mongolia, accepted the provision of the Civil Code of Mongolia (1992): “It will be our mission to develop a humane and civil democratic society in our country, and made a decision to transition from socialism to the market. The transition was not easy. At the time of the transition in 1990, there were no privately-owned enterprises in Mongolia, but there were only state-owned and cooperative enterprises. The structural changes and property privatization were carried out in a hurry at the time when the legal environment was not fully resolved, which had negative consequences, such as unemployment and poverty. The misuse of powers by the authorities is continuing and they are becoming rich. Mongolian workers consider that no one will protect their social and economic interests but themselves, but they can be social partners with the ability to communicate with employers on an equal basis by being informed, knowledgeable and organized themselves. First of all, there is a need for the Mongolian Trade Union to be an influential national movement that takes into account the unique features of its country, reflects the common interests of the workers, takes into account the dreams and wills of the people, and supports the solution of the burning issues that need to be resolved. The fourth industrial revolution and technological innovation are expanding and deepening. There is demand for the Mongolian Trade Union to renew itself and continuously learn.

Ⅰ. Социализмаас капитализмд (зах зээлд) шилжих үеийн аж ахуй, нийгмийн нөхцөл байдал

Ⅱ. Бүтцийн өөрчлөлт, өмч хувьчлалын гажуудал, түүний уршиг

Ⅲ. Хөдөлмөрлөх эрх, цалин хөлсний түвшин МҮЭ-ийн оролцооны өнөөгийн дүр төрх

Ⅳ. Эрх баригчдад биш, өөртөө итгэ

Ⅴ. Санал, зөвлөмж
