The new normal era, which has newly arrived after the corona pandemic, has re- quired changes in the business environment of companies beyond social change to redefine in- dividual daily life. Office space is a strategic tool for innovation in the business environment, and it effectively contributes to the organizational satisfaction of new workers. Office space in the new normal era requires variability to accommodate and respond to the rapidly changing social and business environment. Office furniture design is a factor that determines the varia- bility of office space, and in this study, the characteristics of office furniture design in the new normal era were derived. There are four types of characteristics, the first being Agile characteristics. It refers to design characteristics that respond promptly to changes and adapt flexibly. The second is hybrid characteristics. It means strategically combining two or more dif- ferent elements to achieve a specific goal. Third, health and comfort-seeking characteristics. This has been reinforced through the experience of the corona pandemic. The more the work envi- ronment that considers personal comfort and health is presented, the higher the worker's organ- izational satisfaction and work productivity. The last is sustainability. Companies are faced with the limitations of development-oriented development and their environmental responsibilities, and they are trying to solve the problem through the development of sustainable office furniture products and eco-friendly management. Then the new normal office furniture design character- istics have the possibility of flexibly and actively coping with external changes, space, and user needs, differentiated from the design of the previous era, and have advanced design values.
1. 서 론
2. 이론적 고찰
3. 뉴노멀 사무 가구디자인 특성 유형
4. 결 론