최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Education and Teaching 제1권 제3호.jpg


Research on the Construction of Training Mode for Cultivating critical thinking Ability in College English Teaching

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2023.1.3.41

大学英语教学不仅仅是语言技能的培养,还涉及到更广泛的思维和学习能力的培养。这些能力对于学生未来的职业和生活都具有重要价值,因此大学英语教学在整个教育体系中扮演着至关重要的角色。本文首先分析了现阶段中国国内思辨能力的研究现状并进一步考察了中国大学英语课程教学中思辨能力培养存在的问题,针对现存问题从加强老师与学生对思辨能力培养的重视,协调理性认识与感性认识及改变传统的评价方式等角度提出有效构建大学英语教学思辨能力培养模式的具体措施,以期能 能够为社会发展培养出具有高度思维水平与高水平英语专业技能兼备的应用性人才。

Abstract: College English teaching is not only about developing language skills but also involves cultivating broader thinking and learning abilities. These abilities hold significant value for students’ future careers and lives, making college English teaching a pivotal component of the overall education system. This article begins by analyzing the current research status of critical thinking ability in China and subsequently examines the challenges in nurturing critical thinking within college English teaching in China. In response to these challenges, specific measures are proposed to effectively construct a model for cultivating critical thinking ability in college English teaching. These measures include strengthening teachers’ and students’ emphasis on fostering critical thinking skills, harmonizing rational and emotional comprehension, and reforming traditional evaluation methods. The ultimate aim is to cultivate skilled professionals equipped with advanced thinking capabilities and English language proficiency to contribute to social development.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 现阶段中国思辨能力的研究现状

Ⅲ. 中国大学英语教学中思辨能力培养存在的问题

Ⅳ. 加强中国大学英语教学思辨能力培养的有效措施

Ⅴ. 结语
