ChatGPT 技术是基于深度学习和自然语言处理的 AI 技术,它可以生成流畅、连贯和有意义的文本对话。它为高等教育带来了变革产生了积极影响。ChatGPT 在教育领域的广泛应用,在学习层面有助于大学生实现自主化的学习;在教学层面,人机协同能够创造出超级教师;在教学管理和评估方面能够显著提高管理和评估的水平和效率。但 ChatGPT 的应用同时也存在潜在的风险,比如其信息源数据合法性难以保证,可能泄露学生个人信息和隐私,滥用 ChatGPT 可能导致学术不端行为,过度与 ChatGPT 互动可能削弱教师的角色等。鉴于此,本文提出应对相关风险的建议:一是依法保障 ChatGPT 信息来源的合法性,二是立法确认 ChatGPT 生成物的著作权,三是建立科学健康的人机交互关系,四是强化ChatGPT 参与高等教育的伦理规范。
ChatGPT technology, based on deep learning and natural language processing, excels in generating fluid, coherent, and meaningful text dialogues. Its integration into higher education has ushered in transformative changes with positive impacts. The widespread adoption of ChatGPT in education empowers college students to pursue autonomous learning, while at the teaching level, it enables collaborative human-machine interactions, potentially creating exceptional educators. Additionally, ChatGPT enhances teaching management and evaluation, significantly boosting their efficiency. However, its application also introduces inherent risks, including challenges in ensuring the legality of its data sources, potential student information leaks, risks of academic misconduct due to ChatGPT misuse, and the potential diminishment of the teacher's role through excessive interaction. This article offers response suggestions to address these concerns: firstly, ensuring the legality of ChatGPT data sources in compliance with the law; secondly, establishing legal frameworks to define ChatGPT product copyrights; thirdly, fostering a balanced and ethical human-computer interaction; fourthly, reinforcing ethical standards governing ChatGPT's integration into higher education.
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. ChatGPT技术及其对高等教育的积极影响
Ⅲ. ChatGPT应用于高等教育领域的潜在风险
Ⅳ. 应对高等教育领域ChatGPT风险的建议
Ⅴ. 结语