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KCI등재 학술저널

Remarks on the Antecedent of Meta-why Questions: A Reply to Park (2023)

Remarks on the Antecedent of Meta-why Questions: A Reply to Park (2023)

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.33.3.202308.369
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Meta-why questions are an understudied fragmentary question consisting of the wh-phrase why only. They are used when the speaker wants to know why the other interlocutor raised an original question in a context. Recently, Woods and Vicente (2021) examine meta-why questions in English, and Park (2023) argues, building on them, that the same type of questions exist in Korean as well. According to these studies, meta-why questions in English and Korean can be legitimately used only when their antecedents are genuine questions. This squib aims to report apparently challenging data, where declaratives or even non-verbal behavior appears to serve as an antecedent of meta-why questions in Korean. It is shown that declaratives can feed the legitimate use of a meta-why question, while only very limited cases of nonverbal behavior can license it. The squib ends with a brief discussion of what these challenging data suggest to Park’s analysis.

1. Introduction

2. Distribution of Meta-why Questions in Korean

3. Challenging Data

4. Concluding Remarks

