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사회언어학 제31권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

포털 코로나19 뉴스의 논증 양상 연구

Study of Argument Patterns in COVID-19 News on Web Portals: Based on the Discourse on Vaccine Side Effects

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2023.31.3.01
  • 51

The purpose of this study is to review the discourse on vaccination from a critical perspective by considering coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) news on web portals to be practical arguments advocating for certain actions. For this purpose, this study analyzed the argument patterns of the discourse on vaccination with the keyword COVID-19 vaccine side effects and examined discourse characteristics highlighted by media reports to evaluate their meaning. Contrasting patterns were observed between pro- and anti-vaccine arguments, which consisted of the necessity of vaccination and medical evidence and which focused on personal choice and vaccine side effects, respectively. The characteristics of the political discourse were observed in the contest between these arguments. Rhetorical phrases, which are often used in the political discourse, represented the misleading arguments that lacked evidential accuracy and argumentative validity by maximizing fear, instead of alleviating fear about a health crisis with scientific information and discussion. As fake news trending on social media was introduced to online news portals, which are regarded as public discourse platforms, and undermined trust in the public discourse, it served as an opportunity to politicize the discourse on vaccination.

1. 서론

2. 연구 방법과 이론적 배경

3. 논증의 양상

4. 정치 담론으로서의 코로나 논증

5. 평가와 결론

