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언어연구 제40권 Special Edition.jpg

Post-editing of machine translation while reading on English proficiency levels

Post-editing of machine translation while reading on English proficiency levels

DOI : 10.17250/khisli.40..202309.004

This studyaimed to investigate the impact of post-editing with machine translation (MT) in readingclasses on students’ performance and perspectives across different English proficiency levels. Eighty-one students participated in the study and they were divided into two groups: 39students in the lower proficiency group and 42 students in the higher proficiency group. The research addressed two main questions: firstly, it explored how MT usage affects learnerswith varying English proficiency levels; secondly, it examined whether learners’ perspectiveson MT use in reading classes differ based on their proficiency. Both quantitative and qualitativeanalyses were conducted using exam scores and questionnaire data. To address the first researchquestion, pre- and post-reading test scores were analyzed. The findings revealed a substantialenhancement in reading comprehension for both groups. Moreover, there was a significantdifference between the two groups. Regarding the second research question, a pre- andpost-questionnaire was conducted. Both low and high proficiency groups acknowledgednumerous advantages associated with MT use, with the low proficiency group exhibitingimprovements across all aspects evaluated. Convenience and reduced burdens received thehighest scores in both groups, positively influencing their active class participation. The researchemphasized the advantages of incorporating machine translators into English reading classes,shedding light on positive outcomes for L2 reading.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical background

3. Methods

4. Results and discussion

5. Conclusion

