Assessing nonverbal and verbal interactional competence in a video-mediated oral test
Assessing nonverbal and verbal interactional competence in a video-mediated oral test
- 경희대학교 언어정보연구소
- 언어연구
- 제40권 Special Edition
- 2023.09
- 171 - 205 (35 pages)
Interactional competence asa part of speaking proficiency involves communicating appropriately by taking turnswith others. However, the assessment of nonverbal and verbal interactional competenceis not common practice in most video-mediated oral tests. In addition, as interactionalcompetence may vary according to task type, it is important to take this into considerationwhen designing an oral test. Therefore, this study investigated nonverbal and verbalinteractional competence by levels in real-time video-mediated oral tests, including twotask types: a small group discussion and an individual presentation with questions andanswers. Each video transcript was used to code nonverbal and verbal interactionalcompetence. Subsequent individual interviews were also conducted to more closely examinetest takers’ attitudes towards and opinions of the test format and test tasks. Resultsshowed a statistically significant difference for ‘facial expressions’ in the category ofnonverbal interactional competence and ‘controversial opinions or questions’ as wellas ‘topic-extensions of other topics’ in the category of verbal interactional competencein a group discussion. In addition, ‘reacting’ and ‘correction’, in the category of verbalinteractional competence, were statistically significant in asking and answering questionsafter the individual presentation. Finally, practical implications for the future test designersof video-mediated group oral tests and raters for nonverbal and verbal interactionalcompetence are discussed.
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Research method
4. Results
5. Discussions and conclusions