본 연구는 지중점적시설을 이용한 옥수수 관수·관비재배시 옥수수의 생육 및 수량 반응을 조사하여 적합한 관수및 관비기준을 마련하고자 수행되었다. 1) 사양토 조건에서 지중점적시설을 이용한 관비 재배시옥수수 근권부까지 필요한 수분은 24.3 ton 10a-1의 물이 소모되었다. 2) 사양토(점토함량 10.2%) 조건에서 한번 관수·관비로 토양수분함량이 25%정도 유지될 수 있는 기간은 25일, 20% 정도까지는 30일간 지속되었다. 3) 지중점적 관수·관비처리에 따른 옥수수 지상부 생육은N 8 처리구에서 가장 우수하였으며 N 10 처리구에서는감소하는 경향이 나타났다. 4) 지중점적 관수·관비처리에 따른 옥수수 수량구성요소는 N 8 처리구가 가장 우수하였으며 관수구 대비 약 14%, 무처리 대비 약 30%의 증수 효과를 나타내었다.
This study was conducted to investigate how maize (Zea maize L.) growth and yield were affected by irrigation and fertigation using a subsurface drip system. The system consisted of a buried (40 cm underground) drip pipe that can be used in a semi-permanent manner without affecting agricultural work on the ground. The amount of water required for the fertigation treatment was determined to be 24.3 tons 10a-1 for the sandy loam soil used in this experimental field. Fertigation treatments based on the previously calculated 24.3 tons 10a-1 were carried out as topdressing applications. They were applied through the subsurface drip system with the following fertilizer concentration (nitrogen only, written in kg 10a-1: N 4, N 6, N 8, N 10 ). The other treatments were irrigation only and control (non-treatment). The results indicated that the N 8 treatment was the most effective, increasing yield by 30% and 14% compared with the control and irrigation treatments, respectively. These results highlight the effectiveness of fertigation (N 8 kg 10a-1) at V6 and R1 stage as a form of topdressing fertilization using a subsurface drip system for achieving a high yield and stable maize production.
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결과 및 고찰
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사 사