There is a growing interest in the medical use of psychedelics, also known as hallucinogenic drugs. Consequently, there are several studies looking at the potential of psychedelics to treat treatment-resistant mental disorders, but there is a lack of research on the side effects and safety of these drugs. This review aims to explore the classification, mechanism of action, and side effects of psychedelics. It also discusses the recent research on the safety of psychedelics. Safe use of psychedelics requires an understanding of the scientific basis as well as an appreciation of the side effects and safety of these drugs. This review aims to initiate discussions and communication on the side effects and safety of psychedelics among experts in the field of mental health to ensure safe and effective medical use.
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환각제의 분류와 작용
환각제의 부작용
환각제의 의학적 사용 및 안전성 문제
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