최근 검색어 전체 삭제
중독정신의학 Vol.27, No.2.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

알코올 사용장애와 알츠하이머 병 환자의 인지기능 평가 차이에 관한 비교 연구

A Comparison Study of Neurocognitive Function Test Results Between Alcohol Use Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease Patients

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2023.27.2.60

Objectives: There are a few studies on how much and which cognitive function is specifically damaged by chronic alcohol drinking. By comparing neurocognitive function test results between patients with alcohol use disorder and those with Alzheimer’s disease, we aimed to find out which neurocognitive function is damaged by chronic alcohol drinking. In addition, we investigated whether the structural changes in the brain were related to cognitive function decline. Methods: Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV and Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery-II were performed among patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and those who were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder at the department of psychiatry in Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital from November 2008 to May 2022. Among the neurocognitive domains, intelligence quotient, memory quotient, executive intelligence quotient, auditory attention and visual attention were compared. Among those who underwent cognitive function tests, the reading results for brain CT or MRI were compared. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in visual attention (p=0.219). Meanwhile, structural changes in the brain were less in the alcohol use disorder group compared to the Alzheimer’s disease group. Conclusion: Chronic drinking, impaired especially, visual attention to the level of Alzheimer’s disease at a relatively early age. Additional research on cognitive function impairment in alcohol use disorders is needed, referring to the results of this study.

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