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KCI등재 학술저널

Recent Debates in Attorney-Client related Privilege and Confidentiality in Korea and Its Implications to International Arbitration

Recent Debates in Attorney-Client related Privilege and Confidentiality in Korea and Its Implications to International Arbitration

DOI : 10.16998/jas.2023.33.3.3
  • 7

This article provides an overview of the state of attorney-client related privilege and confidentiality in Korea. It reviews the statutory framework, and how Korean courts have analyzed the privilege and confidentiality related to attorneys and their clients. It then examines the legislative initiatives Korea is currently debating with regard to adopting a more common law-style attorney-client privilege (ACP). If adopted, the new legislation will mark a significant milestone in providing guidance on how communications between attorney and client will be treated. Its impact in the context of international arbitration practice and law related to Korea is explored.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. A Review of Legal Traditions, Rules and Guidelines

Ⅲ. Attorney-related Confidentiality Obligations and Rights related to Korea

Ⅳ. Impact on International Arbitration

Ⅴ. Legislative Initiatives

Ⅵ. Conclusion

