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현대문법연구 제119호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Exocentric Structures and Labeling

Exocentric Structures and Labeling

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2023.119.29
  • 17

Chomsky (2001) has proposed a phase-based compu- tation, which takes a hybrid approach adopting derivational, but slightly representational, structure building. What is important in this proposal is that T is never finite in itself, but can bear a full φ-feature set only when it is selected by the phase head C. Chomsky (2008) in turn has assumed further that T can agree and attract its goal, the subject only after it inherits relevant features from C. This means that T is only partially projected without Spec when C is introduced into the derivation. This non-cyclic structure building is possible within a phase, hence slight representational flavor. However, Chosmky (2013, 2015) discarded this phase-based partially representational approach, to the effect that TP should complete its projection, which is now reinterpreted as an exocentric structure consisting of two maximal projections (with no specifiers). In this paper, we will explore the reason why Chomsky recently rejected the non-cyclic structure building within a phase. And we will note problems with this approach, and try to seek a solution in the recent MERGE system proposed by Chomsky (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, Forthcoming).

1. Introduction

2. Extension Condition

3. A Problem with Labeling Algorithm and Its Solution

4. MERGE and Multiple Specifiers

5. Conslusions

