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KCI등재 학술저널

1930년대 중후반 조선총독부의 水防團 설치와 수해 ‘警戒防禦’ 활동

The Installation of the Defense against the Floods Organization by the Japanese Government General of Korea and Its Defense Activities against Flood Damage in the 1930s

DOI : 10.29004/jkmch.2023.09.106.181

이 글은 1934년 대수해 이후 설치되어 활동한 수방단에 관한 것이다. 1934년수해 이후 소집된 임시치수조사위원회는 각 도(道)에 수방단 설치를 결의했다. 우선 일본의 「수리조합법」과 조선의 「수방단규칙」을 비교했다. 그리고 수방단 조직편성을 분석했다. 장마철마다 각 도 고위 관료를 중심으로 소집된 수방위원회는 수해 대응을 총괄하는 컨트롤타워였다. 수방단은 이를실천하는 행동대원 역할을 담당했다. 수방단의 활동은 다음과 같다. 첫째 기술적 실천이다. 응급수방공법은 제방의 붕괴 또는 누수와 같은 사고가 발생했을 때 이루어지는 응급조치다. 둘째경찰보조 활동이다. 수방단은 민심 안정을 위해 수해에 관해 언동을 제한해야했다. 셋째 지역 행사에 종사하며 권력의 정당성을 선전하는 역할을 수행했다. 1937년 중일전쟁 이후 수방단은 다른 전쟁지원단체와 마찬가지로 일본의 전쟁에 협력하는 역할도 담당했다. 또한 수방단의 활동을 통해 의의와 한계를 살펴보았다. 가장 큰 문제는 지방단체의 재정 부족에 있었다. 사방공사는 제대로 시행되지 못했다. 기상관측시설도 부족했다. 이는 수방단의 활동을 어렵게 만든 요인이었다. 그러나 언론보도는 전반적으로 긍정적 논조로 나타나 대조를 이루었다. 수방단의 활동은 1939년경방단으로 통합되며 종료되었다

This paper investigates the defense against floods organization that was installed after the great flood damage of 1934 and had been active since. Called following the flood damage of 1934, the temporary investigation committee for flood control resolved to establish a defense against floods organization in each province. They first compared Japan’s irrigation association act with Joseon’s rules for the defense against floods organization. They also analyzed the table of organization in the defense against floods organization. The defense against floods committee was called mainly by the high-ranking officials of each province for every rainy season and served as a control tower to supervise the overall reactions to flood damage. The defense against floods organization worked as an action member to practice its measures. The defense against floods organization carried out the following activities: first, they practiced technologically. Their emergency method of construction against floods was an emergency measure for such accidents as the breaking and leakage of an embankment; secondly, they assisted police activities, restricting words and actions regarding flood damage to stabilize the public sentiment; and finally, they served at local events, advertising the legitimacy of power. After the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, they collaborated with Japan for its war efforts like other organizations supportive of the war. The study also examined the significance and limitations of the defense against floods organization through its activities. Its biggest issue derived from its financial crunch as a local organization. There was no proper anti-erosion work, and meteorological observation facilities were in shortage. These factors made the organization’s activities difficult, but it was opposite to the overall positive tone of media reports. The activities of the organization were integrated into the guard defense organization in 1939, which marked the end of the organization.

1. 머리말

2. 수방단의 설치와 조직구성

3. 수해방어 활동과 결과

4. 맺음말
