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미국학논집 제55집 2호].jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

켄 리우의 「퍼펙트 매치」에 나타난 감시자본주의 시대의 모빌리티와 알고리즘적 자아

Mobility and Algorithmic Self in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism in Ken Liu’s “The Perfect Match”

DOI : 10.22505/jas.2023.55.2.01

This paper centers on the portrayal of a technological society in Ken Liu’s “The Perfect Match”. Liu vividly depicts a near-future society in which AI assistants constitute an integral part of daily life. However, this society relegates individuals to mere resources for AI service companies. This paper meticulously examines this situation as an instance of surveillance capitalism, a concept introduced by Shoshana Zuboff. The focal point lies on Sai, the protagonist, and his mobility, as it exemplifies his gradual subjugation by Centillion, the company providing the AI secretary, Tilly. Within this networked society, individuals’ mobility undergoes scrutiny through data analysis and seamless tracking. Consequently, this paper delves into how this curtailment of capabilities, along with the notion of a primordial self and cognition, undergoes transformation in a surveillance capitalist setting. The paradigm of posthumanism prompts us to comprehend the expanding concept of the cognitive subject through technology as a projection of the future self. This paper centers on the portrayal of a technological society in Ken Liu’s “The Perfect Match”. Liu vividly depicts a near-future society in which AI assistants constitute an integral part of daily life. However, this society relegates individuals to mere resources for AI service companies. This paper meticulously examines this situation as an instance of surveillance capitalism, a concept introduced by Shoshana Zuboff. The focal point lies on Sai, the protagonist, and his mobility, as it exemplifies his gradual subjugation by Centillion, the company providing the AI secretary, Tilly. Within this networked society, individuals’ mobility undergoes scrutiny through data analysis and seamless tracking. Consequently, this paper delves into how this curtailment of capabilities, along with the notion of a primordial self and cognition, undergoes transformation in a surveillance capitalist setting. The paradigm of posthumanism prompts us to comprehend the expanding concept of the cognitive subject through technology as a projection of the future self.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 유비쿼터스 감시와 모빌리티

Ⅲ. 빅 아더와 알고리즘적 자아

Ⅳ. 결론

