최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Business and Trade(JGBT) Vol. 19, No. 5.jpg

Personality, Behavior, and Performance of Platform Workers: Evidence from Vietnam

Personality, Behavior, and Performance of Platform Workers: Evidence from Vietnam

DOI : 10.20294/jgbt.2023.19.5.1
  • 16

Purpose - Based on personality - job fit theory (Kristof-Brown, 2006) and social exchange theory (Blau, 2017) we explaine evidence of the relationship between proactive personality, proactive feedback seeking behavior, and the job performance of platform workers. We also examine the moderating role of perceived organizational support in relationship between proactive personality and feedback seeking behavior and job autonomy as a moderating role between the proactive feedback seeking behavior and job performance of platform workers. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study follows structural equation modeling following a partial least square method on a sample group of 171 platform workers selected by convenient random sampling techniques and analyzed by SmarlPLS 4.0 to test research hypotheses. Findings - Research findings show that proactive personality plays an important role in promoting proactive behavior seeking feedback and job performance, and affirms the positive moderating role of perceived platform support between feedback seeking behavior and proactive personality. The study also confirmed that proactive feedback seeking behavior has a direct and indirect impact on the performance of platform workers, and this relationship is further strengthened in conditions of highly autonomous work. Research Implications - Some implications of human resource management on digital labor platforms are also proposed to improve the efficiency of human resource management.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Literature Review and Hypotheses

Ⅲ. Methodology

Ⅳ. Research Results

Ⅴ. Conclusion

