최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Incentive Mechanism to Creative Talents in Small and Micro Cultural Enterprises in China

Incentive Mechanism to Creative Talents in Small and Micro Cultural Enterprises in China

Small and micro cultural enterprises make tremendous contributions to the development as well as the growth of China’s cultural industry. Creative talents who is playing a significant role are the sources of the rise, development and prosperity of enterprises. It is useful to develop a series of special strategies to motivate the creative talents on the premise that we analyzed the current situation of small and micro enterprises, the characteristics and demand factors of the creative talents. At present, there exist some problems in the small and micro enterprises about incentive, such as inferfect human resource management, low overall wage level and depressed business environment and so on. In order to solve the above problems, we ought to stick to the principles: combining the material and mental incentives, short-term and long-term incentives as well as individual and team motivation. We can complete the system of incentives by means of human resource outsourcing, create suitable environment for creative talents, enhance cultural and intrinsic incentives and so on intending to improve the incentive level of creative talents in small and micro enterprises.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. The characteristics of creative talents

Ⅲ. The characteristics of incentives

Ⅳ. The status quo of incentives

Ⅴ. The principles of incentive

Ⅵ. The methods of incentive

Ⅶ. Conclusion
