최근 검색어 전체 삭제

문화적 차이가 중국진출 한국기업의 인적자원관리에 미치는 영향

The impact of cultural differences to human resources management in Korea-oriented companies in China

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在华韩资企业在人力资源管理方面经常出现中国员工的频繁离职、对韩国权威主义 管理方式的反感、对韩国企业不够信赖以及由于工资上涨引起的劳资纠纷等诸多问 题,经过深入分析发现中韩文化差异是这些问题的根源所在。 韩国传统文化强调共同体意识,韩国传统文化强调共同体意识,具有权威主义、集 团主义和排他性的裙带主义等特点,另外,等级森严的军队文化也对韩国的社会和组 织文化产生深刻的影响,因此,韩国企业形成了集权性组织结构、等级分明的职务体 系和权利关系等特点。与此不同,中国由于实行社会主义体制的关系,随着封建儒教 秩序的瓦解,强调性别不同、年龄和地位高低等上下秩序的等级文化大大减弱,取而 代之的是强调人人平等的同志观念,中国十分重视人际关系的平等,上级用十分严厉 的态度训斥下级,这对韩国人来说也许是习以为常的,但被许多中国人认为是一种人 格侮辱。因此,在华韩资企业应该对韩国式的权威主义管理体制进行认真反省,有必 要引进适合中国文化特点的“民主集中型”领导方式和新的管理体系。 在华韩资企业只有摆脱以自己文化为中心的思维方式,改进封建家长制的权威主义 管理方式,创造和谐平等的氛围,构建民主协商的沟通机制,才能跨越中韩文化差 异,使双方建立人性化的信赖关系,从而实现高效的人力资源管理。

Korea companies in China often encounter a series of problems such as Chinese employees frequent job quitting,antipathic to authoritarianism management in Korean companies, mistrust and labor disputes caused by increasing labor disputes and etc. through a deep analysis I found the root to these questions is the cultural differences between China and Korea. Traditional korean culture emphasizes community consciousness, the features of which are authoritarianism, collectivism, and exclusivecronyism. in addition, hierarchical army culture has great impact in Korean society and culture, therefore, Korean companies are featured as collective communities with clear hierarchical employment system. different from korea, as enforcing Communist Party and collapse of feudal Confucianism, hierarchy culture emphasizing differences between gender, age and social level is diminishing, instead, equal consciousness is growing,“everyone is equal” is greatly emphasized in human relations. Korean companies in China needs to get rid of Korean-centered thinking mode and rethink more about Korean way of management, which means to improve parental authoritarian management and use “democratic” management fitting Chinese present situation. creating equal working environment and enhancing democratic communication is important in decreasing cultural differences and increasing humane trust. therefore effective human resources management can be realized.

Ⅰ. 문제 제기

Ⅱ. 한·중 문화적 차이

Ⅲ. 중국진출 한국기업의 인적자원관리 현황

Ⅳ. 중국진출 한국기업 인적자원관리의 문제점 및 원인 분석

Ⅴ. 중국진출 한국기업의 인적자원관리 개선방안

Ⅵ. 결론
