최근 검색어 전체 삭제

中国武陵山片区固定资产农村项目投资对产业结构调整的影响研究: 基于恩施州的产业数据

An Impact Study of the Fixed Asset Investment of Rural Projects to the Industrial Restructuring in Wuling Mountain Areas of China: Based on the Industrial Data of EnshiState

本文为了研究恩施州固定资产农村项目投资对产业结构的影响,选取恩施州 2004-2010年的产业和行业数据资料,利用变系数面板数据模型,对恩施州固定资产农 村项目投资对三次产业以及三次产业的行业结构影响进行了实证分析,结果发现:第 一,固定资产农村项目投资的投入,都对恩施州三次产业生产总值的增加起到了促进 作用。 第二,恩施州应当利用自身丰富的自然资源,借助于其农业部门的天然优势和新型 畜牧业的发展态势,积极加大对林业部门的固定资产农村项目投资,大力发展恩施州 林业。最后,房地产行业作为固定资产投资中的重点投资行业,其发展一度表现出了 不稳定性,随着国家对房地产业宏观调控政策的进一步完善,房地产业应该还具有很 高的提高潜力。

In order to research the impact of the fixed asset investment of rural projects to the industrial structure, this article empirically analyzes the impact of the fixed asset investment of rural projects on the three industries and their structure by using the panel data model of variable coefficients, which based on the industrial date of Enshi state from 2004 to 2010. The results show that: firstly, the fixed asset investment of rural projects plays a stimulating role on the increasing of the three industries’ GDP of Enshi state; secondly, Enshi state should actively increase the fixed assets investment of rural projects in the forestry sector and develop the forestry of Enshi state by means of its rich natural resources, the agricultural sector’s natural advantages and the developing trend of a new-type stockbreeding; lastly, as a key investment in fixed asset investment industry, the real estate industry’s development always shows instability, and with the further improvement of the national macro-control policies on the real estate industry, the real estate industry should have a high potential for improvement.

一. 引言

二. 恩施州三次产业固定资产投资和生产总值的现状

三. 实证分析

四. 结论
