최근 검색어 전체 삭제


Analysis of the Development Trend of South Korean Tourist Market

韩国作为我国入境旅游的第一大客源国,在我国入境旅游体系中占有重要地位。本 研究通过从韩国旅华游客规模和旅游消费两个方面分析韩国旅华游客市场特征,发现 韩国旅华游客市场存在着总体市场份额缩小,女性、老年人及青少年游客群体比重明 显偏低,韩国旅华游客人均花费偏低,消费结构不合理等问题,相应提出加大促销力 度、积极开发潜在客源市场、提高消费水平、优化消费结构等对策,以进一步提高韩 国旅华游客市场的发展水平。

As the largest source country of China's inbound tourism, South Korea occupies an important position in the tourism system in our country. This study through two aspects to analyze South Korea tourists market characteristics, they are the tourist scale and tourism consumption. Found that the South Korean tourists market exists the overall market share shrink, women, the elderly and the young tourists’ population is on a low side obviously. South Korean tourists cost is low on average, the consumption structure is not reasonable ,and so on. Here puts forward some corresponding suggestions. Include increase the marketing degree, actively develop the potential tourist market, and improve the level of consumption, optimize the consumption structure, andsoon, so as to further enhance the level of development of Korean tourists market.

一. 引言

二. 韩国出境旅游市场发展现状

三. 韩国旅华客源市场特征分析

四. 韩国旅华游客市场效益灰色关联度分析

五. 进一步开拓韩国旅华市场的对策

六. 结语
